I decided since there are lots of stories floating around I would post this...Jake loves to keep things exciting around here, and he has done just that!!! As most of you heard Jake started having seizures Friday night while my mom and dad were watching him, Jason and I were out doing some last minute Christmas shopping in Valpo. After some short deliberation between Dad, Mom, Andrea, Seth and BJ it was time to go to the ER. Luckily Jason and I returned home about 10 minutes after they left...Something that I wish nobody has to come home to! We headed straight to Plymouth and when we got there he was still having seizures off and on. This continued for about 2 hours, not a good thing! We were transported to Memorial. By the time we headed to South Bend Jake stopped having the seizures and did not have another one thanks to lots of medicine. The problem was the length of time that he was having the seizures off and on. The doctors decided it was best to do a cat scan and a spinal tap (this is when Mommy and Daddy really started to flip out), both of which came out fine!!! We were discharged on Monday, we probably would have came home on Christmas but we were waiting for the meningitis test to come back which takes 48 hours. The doctors came to the conclusion that they were atypical febrile seizures and he may or may not have another one again. He is taking medicine to clear up any infections (which we discovered he is allergic to and headed back to the doctor today for a different med) and we are scheduled to have an EEG just for precaution. He is still not feeling good, but doing so much better. Thanks to everyone for all of their love and support...it was a rough and scary 4 days with lots of uncertainty, stress and lack of sleep, we have the best family and friends!
This child is literally going to be our million dollar baby!!!
Sorry to the newlyweds, Andrea & Seth, for scaring you into not having any babies or maybe we should apologize to Brenda who wants to be a grandma so bad!!! :)

Jake in the playroom at the hospital

I'm ready to go home (and so is Mommy & Daddy)