Once again, Jake started having seizures Tuesday night (10/10). He woke up that morning absolutely fine. About midmorning he started to feel a little warm and he was tired. We spent most of the day cozied up on the couch or chair watching TV. He never reached a real high temperature (compared to the past) but his temperature was up and down all day (not a good sign). Around 9 I took Jake to bed with me and he was acting okay, nothing out of the norm of a sick child, we were watching Bob the Builder and he was talking to me. Then a half hour later he rolled over and started seizing. Jason and I rushed him to the Plymouth ER. We were released a few hours later. The next few days he spent on Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours and he is taking an antibiotic. Our Dr. wants us to see a neurologist...not real thrilled with the idea, but I guess it is for the best. We will be going within the next week or so. I will keep you all posted...keep us in your thoughts and prayers!