Saturday, January 14, 2006

Jake's EEG Test...

came back NORMAL AND FINE!!! So now things can get back to normal...whatever that is! His doctor called lastnight around 9 to tell us the good news, he did not want us to have to worry about the results.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Our house has the roof and the start of the porch now.


We just got back from the EEG test, we will not know the results for up to 3 days. Jake did REALLY good. I held him while the test was going on, he fell asleep half way through the test which made it nice because we were done in under an hour.
Lastnight was also not too bad. Andrea did her magic and kept him up most of the night and also entertained us with her new haircut!!! And then it was up to Buzz and Shrek to keep him awake until almost 1 am. We left at 6 and he watched his DVD's in the car and didn't fall asleep! But of course he fell asleep on the way home and is still sleeping. He is one tired baby.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


is the big day for Jake's EEG. We have to be at the hospital at 7:15 am and it will take at least an hour for the test...I don't know how he will ever sit still that long! So the big challenge is on today, Jake can only sleep 4-5 hours and can NOT fall asleep in the car on the way to the hospital...wish us luck!!!