Friday, December 14, 2007

And my favorite...

look at those lips!!! Jake was pouting because 1. There was a child on the tractor who wouldn't get off and 2. it was a GIRL!

Hensler's Nursery...

We just love this place, from the search for the perfect tree to the reindeer and hot chocolate, and it keeps getting better and better. This year they have a wooden tractor to play on, which as you all can imagine was a HUGE hit with Jake. And no I didn't forget to get pics of Drew, it was just too cold for him to go, next year he will be bundled up and ready to go!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


6 months has flown by, I can not believe this is our LITTLE baby who didn't even weigh 5 pounds. He now weighs over 16 pounds and looks great. A few days after we came home from vacation Drew started to get up on all fours and now he is on the move, not officially crawling, but getting to where he wants. I remember when Jake was a baby we couldn't wait for those great milestones to occur and now we know what that proofing the house, and how does this occur when EVERYTHING Jake has is NOT babyproof!!!

Our California Vacation!

Well, we all survived vacation!!! It was a jammed packed week with trips to DisneyLand, California Adventures, The Zoo, Wild Animal Park, Sea World and LegoLand!

Monday, December 10, 2007


to come as soon as possible! This blog has been seriously neglected!!! Life has been crazy busy...we returned home from California, Drew is now 6 months old, and the Christmas season is in full force. I will have updates and pictures soon (hopefully!)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007