Monday, March 07, 2011

Dry Skin!

Poor little guy...this is what his feet look like! Lotion is just not cutting it, I have started to put bag balm on his feet at night but he hates it, but it does seem to help. Any other suggestions?

March 3

Painting with water...perfect!
Not too messy and easy clean-up!

Little Visitors!

We told Drew since none of them could move that he was going to have to babysit while us 2 mommies went out for drinks! I think twins and a body cast is deserving enough for many drinks!!! Except Drew wouldn't go for it!


February 22

FingerPainting and spaghetti dinner. Drew loves spaghetti! But he is messy when he is not in a body cast so I hadn't made it...I was worried where I would end up finding noodles, but he did good and ate really good!