Sunday, June 03, 2007

Baby Drew arrives...

Sunday (May 27) I didn't feel very well...lots of pressure and pain, but no contractions. Around 4:30 I decided I better go lay down in bed, started to debate if I should go to the hospital or wait and see what happens. I called my doctor who suggested we come on in and see what is going on. Around 8:30 we arrived, they checked me and started monitors on the baby to discover that his heartbeat was flatlined, meaning he was in a lot of distress. They did a biophysical which didn't turn out real good, and decided to do an emergency c-section immediately. During the c-section they discovered that my placenta had seperated from the top and I was hemorrhaging (2 things you do not want to hear!) Baby Drew came out crying at 12:57 am (May 28, Memorial Day)weighing 4 lbs. 14 oz. He was 17 3/4 inches long. The NICU team was present for the c-section, they checked Drew out right away and everything was great! He was fully developed and needed no additional help...not too bad for 35 weeks!

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