Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am not sure if we all had high hopes, unrealistic expectations or just remember how fun cruising was BC (before children, not that I don't love them dearly!!!) but lets just say it is not the same! The days of laying by the pool, frolicking in the sand, drinking from the moment we got up to when we went to bed, actually seeing the shows, and two hour meals are now just distant memories!!!

Don't get me wrong we still had a good time, actually a really good time, anywhere you go that is (somewhat) warm and green with flowers and is still vacation is good!

So lets begin...Maybe it was a sign when the pool at the hotel in Indy was heated with ICE (right Andy!?!) We woke up Sunday flew to Miami, boarded the ship and vacation begins. The boys are playing in the H2O Zone and it seems as though this is going to be great. Then at dinner that night Drew gets sick and continues to be sick the rest of the night. I spent the first night holding Drew on Mom & Dad's balcony just so he could breathe and get some sleep. The next morning we take him to the medical facilities on the ship where he needs 2 breathing treatments and a steroid shot and antibiotics AND an European concoction (whatever that was!) We go and get Jake from Mom & Dad only to find him sleeping by the pool (anyone who knows Jake knows this is very out of the norm) by the time he wakes up he isn't breathing well and won't eat...We head to the medical facility with Jake! They take his temperature which is high (this is where I start freaking out and crying!!! It doesn't make me feel at ease when we are in the middle of an ocean and the closest country is Cuba!) They give him a breathing treatment and antibiotics! And we have to go back for more breathing treatments that night. Vacation is off to a great start!!!

The plus side to all of this is we are pretty sure there was something in the room to have caused this and we are upgraded to a different room...with a huge balcony and a doorbell!!!

Day 3...It is a whole new day! The boys slept great, they feel good, we had breakfast on the balcony and we are ready for the day. We went to Royal Caribbean's private island, Labadee, Haiti. It was gorgeous, had a great time!

Day 4...Jamaica. We headed to Dunn's Rivers Falls. A little disappointed, not exactly what we expected and it rained and rained and rained!

Day 5...Jake's 5th Birthday!!! Heading to the Grand Caymans...EXCEPT it is too rough and we are not able to get into the island! It is also too cold and windy to do anything outside on the ship...no H2O Zone, no pools!

Day 6...Cozumel...after having a VERY scary and rough ride to another Private Island we had a good day. The water was too cold to even go into it, but the boys played on the trampoline and playground, Drew found a volleyball which entertained him all day when he wasn't chasing the birds, Jake got to drive an ATV on the beach....which he loved. Free food and alcohol...Mommy and Daddy were happy too!

Day 7...Another day at sea that was too cold and windy to do much...boo!!!

Day 8...Headed back to Indy...We voted and we want a redo...soon!!!

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